77.130. The cemetery lots shall be conveyed by certificates,signed by the mayor and countersigned by the clerk, under theseal of the city, specifying that the purchaser to whom the sameis issued is the owner of the lot or lots described therein bynumbers, as laid down on such map or plat, for the purpose ofinterment, and such certificates shall vest in the purchaser, hisor her heirs and assigns, a right in fee simple to such lot forthe sole purpose of interment, under the regulations of thecouncil; and such certificates shall be entitled to be recordedin the office of the recorder of deeds of the proper countywithout further acknowledgment; and such descriptions of lotsshall be deemed and recognized as sufficient description thereof.The council may limit the number of lots to be owned by the sameperson at the same time, and may prescribe rules for enclosing,adorning and erecting monuments, tombstones and ornaments oncemetery lots, and prohibit any improper adornment thereof; butno religious test shall be made to the ownership of the lots, orburials therein, or for the ornamentation of graves or lots.
(RSMo 1939 § 6973)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6827; 1919 § 8309; 1909 § 9245