77.180. Before any such bonds shall be issued the mayor andcouncil shall, by ordinance, provide that said bonds shall beissued, which said ordinance shall fix the maximum amount of saidbonds and in a general way the purposes for which said moneyshall be expended and shall submit the question to issue bonds tothe voters of the city. The ballots shall state the maximumamount of bonds proposed to be issued and the fact that suchbonds are not to be payable from taxation and will not be a debtof said city and the general purpose for which they are to beissued. If the majority of voters voting on the question assent,the mayor and city council may, by ordinance, cause such bonds ofsuch municipality not exceeding the maximum amount submitted tothe voters to be issued for the purpose set out in said ordinanceand secure the same as herein provided.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 7048, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)