77.200. The council shall have sole authority, by ordinance,to grant the right to any person or persons, or corporation, tomake and construct railroads or street railroads in any street orhighway of the city, and to control and regulate the use thereof;provided, that no such railroad or street railroad shall belocated on any street or highway in the city, or any portion ofsuch street or highway, until a majority of the residents, ownersof land abutting on said street or highway, or such portionthereof, shall first assent thereto in writing; and providedfurther, that no such railroad or street railroad shall beconstructed or operated until all damages to such abutting landsshall have been first ascertained and paid to the owners thereofby the person, persons or corporation constructing said railroador street railroad, and the city council shall pass suitableordinances providing the manner and way of ascertaining anydamages contemplated by this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 6978)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6832; 1919 § 8314; 1909 § 9250