77.210. All cities of the third class may grant to anyperson or corporation formed under the laws of this state ordoing business as a foreign corporation under the laws of thisstate, the privilege and franchise for a period of thirty years,to use the streets, alleys and other public places of suchcities, for the purpose of laying pipes, conduits or otherheating apparatus thereon and therein, and connecting same withthe heating plant of such person or corporation, to furnish heatto the inhabitants of the city at a reasonable rate to be agreedupon by the person or corporation furnishing the heat and theperson using the same. Such privilege and franchise may berenewed for another period or periods not to exceed thirty yearsper period. The plant to heat the city may be by means of hotwater, steam, hot air or electricity, or in any other mode thatmay be advisable, but the person or corporation, to which thefranchise or privilege is granted, shall commence operation underits franchise or right within two years after the granting ofsuch franchise or right, or the same shall be forfeited. Suchfranchise or privilege may be extended or renewed by the citycouncil of such city for another period or periods of not morethan thirty years per period, and the extensions or renewals ofsuch franchise or privilege shall be subject to voter approval ofthe majority of the voters voting on the question, pursuant tothe provisions of section 88.251, RSMo. An initial privilege orfranchise must be approved by a majority of the voters of themunicipality voting on the question.
(RSMo 1939 § 6979, A.L. 1987 S.B. 412)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6833; 1919 § 8315; 1909 § 9251