77.220. Whenever it is deemed necessary by the council tochange the name of any street or avenue, the council shall, byresolution, declare such proposed change of name necessary to bemade, and shall cause such resolution to be published at leastone week in some newspaper published in the city; and if, withinfour weeks after such publication, a majority of the residentproperty owners along the line of such street or avenue do notfile with the city clerk their written protest against suchproposed change of name, then the council shall have power byordinance to change the name of such street or avenue inaccordance with the terms of such resolution; and upon thepassage and approval of such ordinance, the city clerk shall filewith the recorder of deeds of the proper county a certified copyof such ordinance, and such recorder shall enter the same uponthe records of such county.
(RSMo 1939 § 7013)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6867; 1919 § 8349; 1909 § 9276