77.260. The mayor and council of each city governed by thischapter shall have the care, management and control of the cityand its finances, and shall have power to enact and ordain anyand all ordinances not repugnant to the constitution and laws ofthis state, and such as they shall deem expedient for the goodgovernment of the city, the preservation of peace and good order,the benefit of trade and commerce, and the health of theinhabitants thereof, and such other ordinances, rules andregulations as may be deemed necessary to carry such powers intoeffect, and to alter, modify or repeal the same.
(RSMo 1939 § 6949)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6803; 1919 § 8290; 1909 § 9227
Assessment, special tax bills for sprinkling and cleaning streets, RSMo 88.640, 88.811
County roads, adjoining corporate limits, benefits how assessed, RSMo 88.647
License taxes, authorized, on what, RSMo 94.110
Policemen, appointment and removal, RSMo 85.541, 85.551
Street lighting, council may provide, approval of electorate, RSMo 88.613 to 88.630
Taxation, RSMo 94.010 to 94.180
Water, council may contract for service, RSMo 88.633