77.505. 1. Except as provided in subsection 5, the citycouncil of each third class city, including a city of the thirdclass in a county of the third class which contains a stateuniversity whose primary mission is engineering studies andtechnical research, shall have the power and authority tolicense, levy and collect a license tax on, and regulate,electrical contractors and electricians.
2. Any third class city which licenses and regulateselectrical contractors and electricians under this section shallrequire an examination be taken by those electrical contractorsand electricians prior to granting a license. The examinationshall be either the multistate electrical licensing test or someother comparable examination which is based on the NationalElectrical Code as developed by the National Fire ProtectionAssociation. Each third class city which licenses and regulateselectrical contractors and electricians shall establish aprocess for administering the test required in this section.The city may provide separate licenses for varying grades ofelectrical contractors and electricians and may exempt fromlicensure those electricians who are in the employ of anelectrical contractor.
3. No third class city shall license and regulateelectrical contractors or electricians unless and until suchcity shall provide for a process of inspection of and approvalof electrical installations. Any inspector carrying outelectrical inspections shall be a licensed electrician with aminimum of two years' experience in electrical work.
4. The city council of each third class city which licensesand regulates electrical contractors and electricians mayappoint an advisory committee to assist with the development ofexaminations and licensing procedures as may be provided byordinance.
5. The provisions of this section shall not apply to thirdclass cities located in counties of the first class having acharter form of government or to third class cities located in acounty of the third class; except, however, the provisions ofthis section shall apply to a city of the third class in acounty of the third class which contains a state universitywhose primary mission is engineering studies and technicalresearch.
(L. 1990 S.B. 511 ยง 1)