77.530. The council may make regulations and pass ordinances for theprevention of the introduction of contagious diseases into the city, andfor the abatement of the same, and may make quarantine laws and enforce thesame within five miles of the city. The council may purchase or condemnand hold for the city, within or without the city limits, within ten milestherefrom, all necessary lands for hospital purposes, waterworks, sewercarriage and outfall, and erect, establish and regulate hospitals,workhouses, poorhouses, police stations, fire stations and provide for thegovernment and support of the same, and make regulations to secure thegeneral health of the city, and to prevent and remove nuisances; provided,however, that the condemnation of any property outside of the city limitsshall be regulated in all respects as the condemnation of property orrailroad purposes is regulated by law; and provided further, that thepolice jurisdiction of the city shall extend over such lands and propertyto the same extent as over public cemeteries, as provided in this chapter.
(RSMo 1939 § 6953, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1352)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6807; 1919 § 8294; 1909 § 9231
Hospital, established, adoption for tax, board of trustees to govern, RSMo 96.150 to 96.228
Parks, city may acquire, tax to maintain, RSMo 90.010