77.590. For any purpose or purposes mentioned in thischapter, the council may enact and make all necessary ordinances,rules and regulations; and they may enact and make all suchordinances and rules, not inconsistent with the laws of thestate, as may be expedient for maintaining the peace and goodgovernment and welfare of the city and its trade and commerce;and all ordinances may be enforced by prescribing and inflictingupon its inhabitants, or other persons violating the same, suchfine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and such imprisonmentnot exceeding three months, or both such fine and imprisonment,as may be just for any offense, recoverable with costs of suit,together with judgment of imprisonment, until the fine and costsare paid or satisfied; and any person committed for thenonpayment of fine and costs, or either, may be compelled to workout the same as herein provided; but, in any case wherein thepenalty for an offense is fixed by any statute, the council shallaffix the same penalty by ordinance for the punishment of suchoffense, except that imprisonments, when made under cityordinances, may be in the city prison or workhouse instead of thecounty jail.
(RSMo 1939 § 7014, A.L. 1972 S.B. 504)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6868; 1919 § 8350; 1909 § 9277
Ordinances, codification and revision procedure, RSMo 71.940 to 71.948
Ordinances evidence in all courts, RSMo 71.943