77.655. Within ten days from the date of filing suchpetition, the county clerk of such third class city shall examineand from the voters' register ascertain whether or not saidpetition is signed by the requisite number of voters, and ifnecessary, the council shall allow him extra help for thepurpose; and he shall attach to said petition his certificate,showing the result of said examination. If by the clerk'scertificate the petition is shown to be insufficient, it may beamended within ten days from the date of said certificate. Theclerk shall, within ten days after such amendment, make likeexamination of the amended petition, and if his certificate shallshow the same to be insufficient, it shall be returned to theperson filing the same, without prejudice, however, to the filingof a new petition to the same effect. If the petition shall bedeemed to be sufficient, the clerk shall submit the same to thecouncil without delay. If the petition shall be found to besufficient, the council shall order the question to be submittedto the voters of the city.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1120 ยง 3)