78.030. Upon petition of voters equal in number totwenty-five percent of the votes cast for all candidates formayor at the last preceding city election of any such city, themayor shall, by proclamation, submit the question of organizingas a city under sections 78.010 to 78.420 at an election. Ifsaid plan is not adopted at the last election, the question ofadopting said plan shall not be resubmitted to the voters of saidcity for adoption within two years thereafter, and then thequestion to adopt shall be resubmitted upon the presentation of apetition signed by voters as herein provided, equal in number totwenty-five percent of all votes cast for all candidates formayor at the last preceding election. At such election theproposition to be submitted shall be "Shall the proposition toorganize the city of (name of city) under sections 78.010 to78.420 be adopted?" If the majority of the votes cast shall bein favor thereof, cities shall proceed to the election of mayorand councilmen. Immediately after such proposition is adopted,the mayor shall transmit to the governor, the secretary of stateand to the county clerk each a certificate stating that suchproposition was adopted. At the next municipal election afterthe adoption of such proposition there shall be elected a mayorand councilmen. In the event, however, that the next municipalelection does not occur within six months after such election,the mayor shall, within ten days after such election, byproclamation, call a special election for the election of a mayorand councilmen, sixty days' notice thereof being given in suchcall.
(RSMo 1939 § 7057, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6907; 1919 § 8374