78.210. 1. The question shall be submitted in substantiallythe following form:
Shall the following ordinance be (adopted) (repealed)? (Setout ordinance)
2. If a majority of the voters voting on the proposedordinance shall vote in favor thereof, such ordinance shallthereupon become a valid and binding ordinance of the city; andany ordinance proposed by petition, or which shall be adopted bya vote of the people, cannot be repealed or amended except by avote of the people. Any number of proposed ordinances may bevoted upon at the same election, in accordance with theprovisions of this section. The council may submit a propositionfor the repeal of any such ordinance or for amendments thereto,to be voted upon at any municipal election; and should suchproposition so submitted receive a majority of the votes castthereon, such ordinance shall thereby be repealed or amendedaccordingly.
(RSMo 1939 § 7075, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6925; 1919 § 8392