78.440. All laws governing any city under its formerorganization and not inconsistent with the provisions of sections78.430 to 78.640 shall apply to and govern such city after itadopts the form of government herein provided, or all bylaws,ordinances and resolutions lawfully passed and in force in anysuch city under its former organization shall remain in forceuntil altered or repealed by the council elected under theprovisions of said sections. The territorial limits of such cityshall remain the same as under its former organization, and allrights and property of every description which were vested in anycity under its former organization shall vest in the same, underthe organization herein contemplated, and no right or liabilityeither in favor of or against it existing at the time, and nosuit or prosecution of any kind shall be affected by such changeunless otherwise provided for herein. The operation of any ofsaid sections governing cities of the third class, which may beinconsistent with the provisions of said sections, shall besuspended in those cities adopting the said sections.
(RSMo 1939 § 7094)Prior revision: 1929 § 6944