78.450. 1. Any city which has operated pursuant to the provisions ofsections 78.430 to 78.630 may abandon the form of organization provided for insections 78.430 to 78.630, by proceeding as follows: upon the petition ofregistered voters residing in the city numbering not less than twenty-fivepercent of the votes cast in the city in the last gubernatorial election, thequestion shall be submitted whether the city shall continue operating pursuantto sections 78.430 to 78.630, in the manner provided for the adoption ofsections 78.430 to 78.630. Each petition shall contain, in addition to theprinted names and signatures of each petitioner:
(1) The street and house number of each petitioner;
(2) The age of the petitioner;
(3) An accompanying affidavit of one or more of the voters of the city.The affidavit shall state:
(a) That the signers of the petition were, at the time of signing,voters of the city; and
(b) The number of signers of the petition at the time of the making ofthe affidavit.
2. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
Shall the city manager form of government for the city of ......... becontinued?
3. If a majority of the votes cast are against the continuation of thecity manager form of government, then the provisions of sections 78.430 to78.630 and all amendments thereto cease to be effective in the city and thecity shall resume the form of government it abandoned when it adopted the planprovided for in sections 78.430 to 78.630, and shall organize thereunder;except that any third class city, desiring to vote on the question todetermine whether or not to remain organized under the provisions of sections78.430 to 78.630, may at the same time submit the question as to what form ofgovernment it shall adopt, if there is more than one other form provided forthird class cities; but the change of form or organization shall not becomeeffective until the next municipal election thereafter.
(RSMo 1939 § 7095, A.L. 1957 p. 281, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, S.B. 594, A.L. 2001 H.B. 498)Prior revision: 1929 § 6945