78.460. The council shall consist of five members, and allpersons now eligible for the position of councilman under thelaws governing cities of the third class shall be eligible toserve as councilmen under sections 78.430 to 78.640. The term ofcouncilmen shall be three years, except that of the first councilelected after the adoption of sections 78.430 to 78.640, onemember shall serve for one year, two for two years, and two forthree years. Those councilmen receiving the highest number ofvotes at the first municipal election shall serve for thethree-year term, those receiving the next highest shall serve forthe two-year term, and the other for the one-year term. Incounties of the first class with a charter form of governmentwhich have a population of at least nine hundred thousandinhabitants should a vacancy occur in the office of councilman bydeath, resignation or otherwise, a special election may be calledby the council for the purpose of filling the vacancy, and theperson elected at such special election shall serve only for theunexpired term or until his successor is elected and qualified.In all other counties should a vacancy occur in the office ofcouncilman by death, resignation or otherwise, the council shallselect a successor who shall serve until the next regularelection. All councilmen shall be elected at large. They shallqualify and their terms of office shall begin on the first Mondayafter their election. The terms of office of the mayor andcouncilmen or aldermen in such city, in office at the beginningof the terms of office of the council first elected under theprovisions of sections 78.430 to 78.640, including all boards andcommissions, shall cease and determine and the terms of office ofall other city officers, whether elective or appointive, in forcein such city except as herein provided shall cease and determineas soon as the council shall by resolution declare, except thatthe council may continue the board of public works, and thelibrary, hospital and park boards for such time or times afterorganizing under sections 78.430 to 78.640 as the interests ofthe city in its judgment may require.
(RSMo 1939 § 7081, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1982 S.B. 526, A.L. 1991 S.B. 34)Prior revision: 1929 § 6931