78.510. The primary election as provided for by sections78.470 to 78.500 shall not be required if upon the expiration ofthe time for filing of statements with the city clerk of personsdesiring to become a candidate for councilman, as provided for bysections 78.470 to 78.500, the number of such persons shall notexceed a number equal to twice the number to be elected at thegeneral or special election. Within forty-eight hours after theexpiration of the time for filing of such statements with thecity clerk the council shall canvass the statements filed todetermine from the number of statements filed whether thissection shall be applicable. In the event that it is determinedthat the provisions shall be applicable the council shall, byordinance, provide that a primary election under the provisionsof sections 78.470 to 78.500 shall not be held and that the namesof the persons filing statements shall be printed on themunicipal election ballots as the nominees for councilman asprovided for by sections 78.520 to 78.540; provided, however,that the names of such persons appearing on such ballot shallappear thereon in the order that they were filed with the cityclerk.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 410 ยง 7082a, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)