78.530. 1. As an alternative to conducting city elections as providedby sections 78.470 to 78.520, the city council may provide by ordinance forthe elimination of the primary election and the conduct of city elections asprovided in this section.
2. Any person desiring to become a candidate for councilman shall filewith the city clerk a statement of such candidacy in substantially thefollowing form:
State of Missouri,)
) ss.
County of ........) I, ........, being first dulysworn, say that I reside at ....... street, city of ........, county of......., state of Missouri; that I am a qualified voter therein; that I am acandidate for nomination to the office of councilman to be voted upon at themunicipal election to be held on ....... Tuesday of ....., 20...., and ameligible therefor, and I hereby request that my name be printed upon theofficial ballot for such office, and that I will serve as such officer, ifelected.
(Signed) ............
Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me ....... on
this ....... day of ......, 20......
(Signed) ............
3. The city clerk shall thereupon cause the official ballots to beprinted, and upon the ballots the names of the candidates shall appear in theorder that their statements of candidacy were filed with the city clerk, andabove the names of the candidates shall appear the words "Vote for (number tobe elected)".
4. The ballots shall be in substantially the following form:
Warning: Voting for more than the total number of candidates to beelected to any office will invalidate this ballot.
Candidates for councilmen of ....... at general election.
Vote for (number to be elected)
........... â ã (Name of candidate) ..............
........... â ã (Name of candidate) ..............
........... â ã (Name of candidate) ..............
(L. 1983 S.B. 234)*No continuity with the section enacted in 1929 and repealed in 1978 by H.B. 971.