79.230. The mayor, with the consent and approval of themajority of the members of the board of aldermen, shall havepower to appoint a treasurer, city attorney, city assessor,street commissioner and night watchman, and such other officersas he may be authorized by ordinance to appoint, and if deemedfor the best interests of the city, the mayor and board ofaldermen may, by ordinance, employ special counsel to representthe city, either in a case of a vacancy in the office of cityattorney or to assist the city attorney, and pay reasonablecompensation therefor, and the person elected marshal may beappointed to and hold the office of street commissioner.
(RSMo 1939 § 7110)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6960; 1919 § 8411; 1909 § 9313
Administrator, appointment, RSMo 77.042
Policemen, number prescribed by ordinance, RSMo 85.620