79.240. The mayor may, with the consent of a majority of allthe members elected to the board of aldermen, remove from office,for cause shown, any elective officer of the city, such officerbeing first given opportunity, together with his witnesses, to beheard before the board of aldermen sitting as a board ofimpeachment. Any elective officer, including the mayor, may inlike manner, for cause shown, be removed from office by atwo-thirds vote of all members elected to the board of aldermen,independently of the mayor's approval or recommendation. Themayor may, with the consent of a majority of all the memberselected to the board of aldermen, remove from office anyappointive officer of the city at will, and any such appointiveofficer may be so removed by a two-thirds vote of all the memberselected to the board of aldermen, independently of the mayor'sapproval or recommendation. The board of aldermen may passordinances regulating the manner of impeachments and removals.
(RSMo 1939 § 7107)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6957; 1919 § 8408; 1909 § 9310