79.380. The board of aldermen may make regulations and passordinances for the prevention of the introduction of contagiousdiseases in the city, and for the abatement of the same, and maymake quarantine laws and enforce the same within five miles ofthe city. They may purchase or condemn and hold for the city,within or without the city limits, or within ten miles therefrom,all necessary lands for hospital purposes, waterworks, sewercarriage and outfall, and erect, establish and regulatehospitals, workhouses, poorhouses, airports and provide for thegovernment and support of the same, and make regulations tosecure the general health of the city, and to prevent and removenuisances; except that the condemnation of any property outsideof the city limits shall be regulated in all respects as thecondemnation of property for railroad purposes is regulated bylaw. The police jurisdiction of the city shall extend over suchland and property to the same extent as over other city property,as provided in this chapter.
(RSMo 1939 § 7173, A.L. 1969 p. 136)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7023; 1919 § 8474; 1909 § 9376
Waterworks, cities may own and operate, RSMo 91.090 to 91.300