79.390. The board of aldermen may establish, alter andchange the channel of watercourses, and wall them and cover themover, and prevent obstructions thereon, and may establish, makeand regulate public wells, cisterns and reservoirs of water, andprovide for filling the same. The board of aldermen may purchasegrounds and erect and establish market houses and marketplaces,and regulate and govern the same, and also contract with anyperson or persons, association or corporation, for the erection,maintenance and regulation of market houses, and marketplaces, onsuch terms and conditions and in such manner as the board ofaldermen may prescribe. They may also provide for the erection,purchase or renting of the city hall, workhouse, houses ofcorrection, prisons, engine houses, and any and all othernecessary buildings for the city, and may sell, lease, abolish orotherwise dispose of the same, and may enclose, improve,regulate, purchase or sell all public parks or other publicgrounds belonging to the city, and may purchase and hold groundsfor public parks within the city, or within three miles thereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 7174)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7024; 1919 § 8475; 1909 § 9377