79.410. The board of aldermen may prohibit and prevent allencroachments into and upon sidewalks, streets, avenues, alleysand other public places of the city, and may provide for theremoval of obstructions from the sidewalks, curbstones, guttersand crosswalks, at the expense of the owners or occupants of theground fronting thereon, or at the expense of the person causingthe same; they may also regulate the planting of shade trees,erecting of awnings, hitching posts, lamp posts, awning posts,telephone, telegraph and electric light poles, and making ofexcavations through and under the sidewalks or in any publicstreet, avenue, alley or other public place within the city.They may prevent and punish for all horseracing, or other racing,fast riding or driving or training in the streets, highways,avenues, alleys, or over bridges or through tunnels in the city,and all games, practices or amusements therein likely to resultin damage to any person or property, and to regulate, prevent andpunish for the riding, driving, leading, standing, hitching orpassing of horses, mules, oxen or other teams or stock or animalsor any vehicle over or upon or across or along any sidewalk,street, avenue or alley of the city.
(RSMo 1939 § 7172)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7022; 1919 § 8473; 1909 § 9375