79.600. Notwithstanding the annexation provisions of chapter 71,RSMo, if the governing body of a city of the fourth classification withmore than seven thousand five hundred but fewer than seven thousand sixhundred eighty inhabitants and located in any county with a charter form ofgovernment and with more than one million inhabitants finds it is in thepublic interest that a parcel of land located in an unincorporated area ofsaid county, which is proposed for use as a trash and recyclable materialtransfer facility or recyclable material reclamation facility, should belocated in the city for purposes of ensuring that there is more locallegislative consideration, building inspections, and monitoring of ongoingoperations, the city may annex such parcel, provided that the city obtainsthe written consent of all the property owners located within theunincorporated area of such parcel. Further, both such city and countyshall adopt reciprocal ordinances authorizing the annexation of such parcelby the city. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 71.012, RSMo, thesubject parcel shall be considered contiguous and compact with the city ifit is located within two miles of the city by means of railroad line-ownedproperty.
(L. 2005 H.B. 58)