80.190. Whenever the board of trustees of any town orvillage shall determine to have any sidewalk built or repaired,as contemplated by section 80.180, the said board of trusteesshall cause at least ten days' notice, in writing, to be servedon the owner or owners of any such property or lot in said townor village, which said notice shall require such owner or ownersof such property or lot to begin to build, repair and completethe building and repairing of any such sidewalk in reasonabletime thereafter; which said notice shall contain a description ofeach property or lot as aforesaid, and a general description ofthe character of such sidewalk, giving the length and breadth ofsuch sidewalk and the material of which all or any part thereofshall be composed; and if, at the expiration of fifteen daysafter the service of said notice, if in writing, or if bypublication, at the end of four weeks after said publication,said owner or owners as aforesaid shall not in good faith havecommenced to build and repair any such sidewalk as aforesaid, andcomplete the same in reasonable time thereafter in the judgmentof the board of trustees, said board of trustees shall cause suchsidewalk to be built or repaired at the expense of such town orvillage, the cost and expense of which shall constitute a lien onthe property or lot along which said sidewalk may be built orrepaired as aforesaid, and the said town or village may enforcethe said lien against such property or lot in any court ofcompetent jurisdiction; and in such cases a certified copy of anyspecial tax bill for such work, approved by the board oftrustees, shall in all cases be prima facie evidence that thework therein stated was done along the property therein mentionedand the amount thereof as stated therein is due and correct andthe provisions of the law and ordinances have been carried out;provided, the owner or owners of said property or lot may payinto the treasury of said town or village the cost and expense ofbuilding or repairing said sidewalk by the town or village, atany time before the sale of said property or lot for such costand expense.
(RSMo 1939 § 7256)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7105; 1919 § 8554; 1909 § 9442