81.150. In all cities and towns under special charter whichhave not less than ten thousand inhabitants and not more thanthirty thousand inhabitants, there shall be elected two aldermenfrom each ward, who shall hold office for a term of four years;provided, that at the next general election for municipalofficers to be held in any such city or town there shall beelected one alderman from each ward, who shall serve for a termof four years, and in the year next following such election, atthe time of holding the general election for municipal officersin such city or town, there shall be elected one alderman fromeach ward, who shall serve for a term of one year, after whichelection there shall be elected, at each succeeding generalelection for municipal officers in such city or town, onealderman from each ward, who shall serve for a term of fouryears.
(RSMo 1939 § 7471)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7318; 1919 § 8733; 1909 § 9612