81.230. When territory is annexed to any city pursuant tosection 81.200, the common council shall, by ordinance, organizethe same into a new ward or wards, or attach the same to someexisting ward or wards long enough before the next ensuingmunicipal election to enable voters in such annexed territory toregister, and all other proper steps to be taken according tolaw, so that the voters of such annexed territory may have fullopportunity to register and vote at such election. Actualresidents of any territory at the time of annexation thereof toany city as provided in section 81.200 shall, if otherwisequalified, be voters of the city, and be eligible to any officetherein at the next municipal election following such annexation.In case of redistricting or division of the city into wards,creation of any new ward or wards, or change of boundary in anyward or wards, every voter residing in any ward at any municipalelection next thereafter, duly registered, shall be a voter ofsuch ward, and nothing in this chapter contained shall be soconstrued as to prevent any voter from voting or being eligibleto any office by reason merely of such redistricting or divisionor creation of any new ward or wards, or change in the boundaryof any ward or wards.
(RSMo 1939 § 7517, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7364; 1919 § 8778; 1909 § 9634