82.060. Such charter, in superseding any previous charterand amendments thereof, shall not affect any right, lien orliability accrued, established or subsisting previous to the timewhen such charter takes effect, nor affect any action orproceeding pending when such charter takes effect; but suchright, lien or liability shall be enforced, and such action orproceeding shall be carried on, in all respects, as if suchcharter had not taken effect; nor shall such charter be in anywise so construed as to affect any right or liability acquired oraccrued under the previous charter and amendments supersededthereby, by or on the part of any city, or any person or bodycorporate.
(RSMo 1939 § 7593)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7450; 1919 § 8861; 1909 § 9710