82.250. All cities in this state having one hundred thousandinhabitants or over are hereby authorized and empowered to buildor to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, within their respectivecorporate limits, a subway or subways, to be exclusively owned bysuch cities, with such suitable approaches, connections, loops,turnouts, sidings, stations, exits, entrances and otherappurtenances, and land, rights-of-way and easements and estatesand rights in land, including the right to go on, under or abovethe surface, as may be necessary or expedient for theconstruction and efficient use of such subway or subways for thetransportation of persons, baggage, express and freight, and forcars, other means of transportation, pipes, wires and cables usedfor public service purposes.
(RSMo 1939 § 7639)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7496; 1919 § 8907; 1909 § 9759