82.340. The license collector shall have exclusiveauthority in all such cities to issue all licenses and receiptsfor license taxes, except water, dramshop and boat or wharflicenses; he shall have authority to revoke any license by himgranted, if the person to whom the license has been issued shallhave been convicted of the violation of any law or ordinancerelative to such licenses. It shall be his duty to prevent anypersons carrying on any business, object or calling for which alicense or license tax is required, without having a license orlicense receipt for that purpose; and he shall report to thecourt hearing municipal ordinance violations of such city allviolations of law and ordinances relating to licenses andlicense taxes. No commissions or fees shall be paid or allowedfor the license collector, or any state or city officer for thecollection of any licenses or license tax to which sections82.310 to 82.410 apply. No duties imposed under this section ordesignated for the license collector's office by the city shallbe altered by any means other than legislative action. Anyemployees transferred from the license collector's office due toa change in such duties by a means other than legislative actionshall be transferred back to the license collector's office tothe positions previously held, even where such duties werechanged within fifteen months prior to August 28, 1990.
(RSMo 1939 § 7727, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1716)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7579; 1919 § 8989; 1909 § 9840