82.360. To obtain a license or to pay a license tax theperson making application therefor shall accompany hisapplication with such statements and affidavits as may now orhereafter be required by law or ordinance; the license collector,as soon thereafter as practicable, shall give to the applicant astatement that, upon the payment of the amount of the license orlicense tax required by law or ordinance to be paid, a license ortax receipt, as the case may be, will be issued to suchapplicant. Upon the receipt of said statement, the applicantshall pay to the license collector the amount named in suchstatement, taking therefor duplicate receipts, one of which shallbe by him filed with the city auditor, and the license collectorshall thereupon issue the license or license tax receipt to theapplicant for the period required by law or the ordinances ofsuch city.
(RSMo 1939 § 7729)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7581; 1919 § 8991; 1909 § 9842