82.440. No city amenable to the provisions of sections82.420 and 82.430, now owning a public marketplace or publicmarketplaces, or which shall hereafter acquire a publicmarketplace, shall be permitted to disburse or use for otherpurposes any of the proceeds received from the sale ordisposition of such marketplace or marketplaces, unless such saidcity shall have, prior thereto, acquired the necessary ground forthe establishment of a marketplace or marketplaces, ascontemplated in said sections 82.420 and 82.430, and which groundshall be of dimensions commensurate with the requirements of saidcity, and not to exceed in cost the sum of one million dollars,and unless said city shall, prior thereto, have made provisionsfor the establishment and maintenance of a marketplace ormarketplaces on such grounds, as is contemplated in sections82.420 and 82.430.
(RSMo 1939 § 7722)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7574; 1919 § 8984; 1909 § 9835