82.450. In the event any city amenable to the provisions ofsections 82.420 and 82.430 shall fail to provide a marketplace ormarketplaces of the dimensions set out in section 82.440, anycorporation composed of five or more residents of this state,organized under the laws of the state of Missouri, for thepurpose of establishing a market or markets, as contemplated bysaid section 82.420, shall have the power to condemn lands orother property, or any interest therein, to the amount set out insection 82.440, for use by it in establishing and maintainingsuch marketplace or marketplaces, in the same manner and withlike effect as provided in sections 523.010 to 523.100, RSMo.
(RSMo 1939 § 7723)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7575; 1919 § 8985; 1909 § 9836