82.487. 1. The parking commission of any city not within a countyshall be the city's authority for overseeing public parking, includingplanning and coordinating policies, programs and operations for any parkingfacility or spaces owned in whole or part, leased or managed by the parkingdivision. On behalf of the city, the parking commission shall approve:
(1) Guidelines governing the administrative adjudication, dispositionand collection of any parking violations or complaints issued by the city;
(2) Budget modifications for the parking fund, also known as the"parking meter fund"; and
(3) The acquisition, development, regulation and operation of suchparking facilities or spaces owned in whole or in part, leased or managedby the parking division.
2. The treasurer of any city not within a county shall be the parkingsupervisor, also known as the "supervisor of parking meters", for anyparking facility or space owned in whole or part, leased or managed by thecity parking division, and by virtue of his office, shall be subject to theoversight and authorized funding in whole or in part, by the parkingcommission:
(1) Establish joint public-private parking ventures;
(2) Supervise the acquisition, development and operation of parkingdivision properties or facilities owned by title or funded in whole or inpart, leased or managed by the parking division;
(3) Make and pay contracts and other obligations;
(4) Supervise any other on-street and off-street parking programs andassets;
(5) Shall provide the comptroller with monthly reports of all parkingrevenues collected by the city; and
(6) Make biannual installment payments of the annual general fundtransfer subject to the parking commission's approval and provide thecomptroller and treasurer with monthly reports of all parking revenuescollected by the city.
3. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting or alteringthe powers and duties of the license collector of the city prescribed insection 82.340, and the exclusive authority to issue licenses and receiptsfor license taxes shall remain with and be exercised by the licensecollector.
4. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting or alteringthe powers and duties of the city's collector of revenue as provided insection 52.220, RSMo.
(L. 1994 S.B. 567, A.L. 1999 S.B. 19)