87.020. In cities, the treasurer, the counselor, the clerkor register, and the comptroller where such office exists, thechief officer of the fire department, three delegates at largefrom the fire department, to be elected by the members thereof onthe first Monday in December of each year, whose term of officeshall be for one year, and one delegate from the retired orpensioned list, to be elected by such retired or pensionedmembers on the first Monday in December of each year, whose termof office shall be for one year, shall constitute and be a boardby the name of "The Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Fund".The board shall select from their members a president andsecretary; provided, that in villages and incorporated towns theboard of trustees of the firemen's pension fund shall consist ofthe chairman of the village or town trustees, the clerk,counselor or attorney, treasurer and chief officer of the firedepartment.
(RSMo 1939 § 9501)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8934; 1919 § 9035; 1909 § 9860