87.060. 1. Any member of the fire department of any suchcity, village or incorporated town having served twenty-fiveyears or more in such fire department, and having theretoforeregularly paid into the pension fund his periodic payments asherein provided, shall be retired upon written application to theboard of trustees, setting forth a time not less than thirty daysnor more than sixty days after the filing of such application atwhich he desires to be retired. Thereupon, the board of trusteesshall order and direct that said member shall be paid a monthlypension equal to fifty percent of the average monthly salary ofsaid member during the twelve months immediately preceding theeffective date of his retirement; and further provided that anymember who remains on active duty in the fire department andcontinues to make regular and periodic payments into the pensionfund as herein provided for a period of time beyond twenty-fiveyears shall, upon subsequent retirement, be paid monthly anadditional sum equal to one percent of the average monthly salaryof said member during the twelve months immediately preceding theeffective date of his retirement for each full twelve-monthperiod beyond twenty-five years up to but not including the yearin which said member attains the age of sixty-five.
2. Any member of the fire department of any such city,village or incorporated town having served at least twenty years,but less than twenty-five years, in such fire department, andhaving theretofore regularly paid into the pension fund hisperiodic payments as herein provided, may make application to beretired from such fire department, and if his application isgranted by the board of trustees, the said board of trusteesshall order and direct that said member shall be paid a monthlyservice pension equal to forty percent of the average monthlysalary of said member during the twelve months immediatelypreceding the effective date of his retirement.
3. In the event that any member of the fire department ofany such city, village or incorporated town having served twentyyears or more in such fire department, and having theretoforeregularly paid into the pension fund his periodic payments asherein provided, is discharged from such fire department, theboard of trustees shall order and direct that said person shallbe paid a monthly service pension equal to fifty percent of thesalary said person was receiving at the time of his discharge,and further provided that the board of trustees shall order anddirect the payment of said monthly service pension within thirtydays after the date of discharge of said member, and theeffective date of said pension shall be the same as the date ofhis discharge.
4. Members of volunteer fire departments serving without payshall receive such monthly amount as may be fixed by the board oftrustees.
(RSMo 1939 § 9509, A.L. 1953 p. 302, A.L. 1969 p. 157)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8942; 1919 § 9043; 1909 § 9868