87.063. 1. The board of trustees may provide or contractfor insurance benefits to cover hospital, surgical, and medicalexpenses for retirees under sections 87.010 to 87.105, in anamount not to exceed one hundred dollars per month for eachretiree.
2. If the board agrees to provide benefits pursuant to thissection, a separate account for hospital, surgical and medicalbenefits shall be established as part of the benefit reservefund. All benefits and premiums shall be transferred from thegeneral revenue fund of the system to the benefit reserve fundfor payment of hospital, surgical and medical benefits.
3. Any retiree who is receiving benefits from the systemmay make application to the board to be named as a specialadvisor to the firemen's retirement system. Upon the acceptanceof such application, the board may deposit in the fund createdin subsection 2 of this section an amount not to exceed onehundred dollars per month for the applicant and may make amonthly payment from the fund created in subsection 2 of thissection toward health care benefits for the applicant asprovided in subsection 1 of this section.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1675)