87.100. Any fire department pension fund and reliefassociation existing in this state under sections 87.495 to87.515, is hereby empowered, by a majority vote of its members,to amalgamate with the board of trustees of the firemen's pensionfund formed under sections 87.010 to 87.105 in the same city,village or town, and thereupon all the assets and property ofsaid relief association and all its rights and privileges shallbe vested in said board of trustees, and all obligations, debtsand liabilities of said association shall be assumed and shallbecome obligations, debts and liabilities of said board oftrustees, and thenceforward the business of said amalgamatedorganizations shall be conducted under the terms of sections87.010 to 87.105 by said board of trustees.
(RSMo 1939 § 9516)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8949; 1919 § 9050; 1909 § 9875