87.120. The following words and phrases as used in sections 87.120 to87.370, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, havethe following meanings:
(1) "Accumulated contributions", the sum of all amounts deducted fromthe compensation of a member and credited to his or her individual account inthe members' savings fund together with interest thereon;
(2) "Actuarial equivalent", a benefit of equal value when computed uponthe basis of such mortality tables and interest rate as shall be adopted bythe board of trustees;
(3) "Average final compensation", the average earnable compensation ofthe member during his or her last two years of service as a firefighter, or ifthe firefighter has less than two years of service, then the average earnablecompensation of his or her entire period of service;
(4) "Beneficiary", any person in receipt of a retirement allowance orother benefit as provided by sections 87.120 to 87.370;
(5) "Benefit reserve", the present value of all payments to be made onaccount of any retirement allowance or benefit in lieu of a retirementallowance upon the basis of such mortality tables and interest rate as shallbe adopted by the board of trustees;
(6) "Board of trustees", the board provided for in section 87.140 toadminister the retirement system;
(7) "City", any city not within a county and adopting the retirementsystem provided by sections 87.120 to 87.370;
(8) "Creditable service", prior service plus membership service asprovided in section 87.135;
(9) "DROP", the deferred retirement option plan provided in section87.182;
(10) "Earnable compensation", the regular compensation which a memberwould earn during one year on the basis of the stated compensation for his orher rank or position;
(11) "Firefighter", any officer or employee of the fire department ofthe city employed by the city for the duty of fighting fires, but does notinclude anyone employed in a clerical or other capacity not involvingfire-fighting duties. In case of doubt as to whether any person is afirefighter within the meaning of sections 87.120 to 87.370, the decision ofthe board of trustees shall be final;
(12) "Medical board", the board of physicians provided for in section87.160;
(13) "Member", a member of the retirement system as defined by section87.130;
(14) "Membership service", service as a firefighter rendered since lastbecoming a member;
(15) "Prior service", all service as a firefighter rendered prior to thedate the system becomes operative which is creditable in accordance with theprovisions of section 87.135;
(16) "Retirement allowance", annual payments for life which shall bepayable in equal monthly installments or any benefits in lieu thereof grantedto a member upon retirement or to a beneficiary;
(17) "Retirement system", the firefighter's retirement system of anycity as defined in section 87.125.
(L. 1943 p. 708 § 1, A.L. 1959 S.B. 314 § 86.480, A.L. 1961 p. 211, A.L. 1972 H.B. 766, A.L. 1973 H.B. 591, A.L. 1985 H.B. 26, A.L. 1991 H.B. 312, A.L. 1993 H.B. 259, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1808, A.L. 2001 S.B. 290)