87.170. Retirement of a member on a service retirement allowanceshall be made by the board of trustees as follows:
(1) Any member may retire upon the member's written application tothe board of trustees setting forth at what time, not less than thirty daysnor more than ninety days subsequent to the execution and filing therefor,the member desires to be retired, if the member at the time so specifiedfor such member's retirement has twenty-five years or more of service;except that a member who ceases to be a firefighter after twenty years ormore of service may retire prior to the twenty-five years of service with aretirement allowance based on the member's years of service;
(2) Any member in service upon attaining the age of sixty, ifqualifying for a service retirement allowance equal to seventy-five percentof the average final compensation, shall be retired forthwith; except thatwith respect to any member, the board shall not retire such member when themember attains sixty years of age or more merely because the member hasattained that age unless the member so requests or the member has completedthirty or more years of service, even if a portion of such service is notcreditable service pursuant to participation in the deferred retirementoption plan prescribed by section 87.182;
(3) Any member who qualifies for a service retirement allowance ofseventy-five percent or over and has not attained sixty years of age may beretained as a member until sixty years of age, with no increase inretirement allowance.
(L. 1943 p. 708 § 6, A.L. 1959 S.B. 134 § 86.513, A.L. 1967 1st Ex. Sess. p. 876, A.L. 1977 H.B. 308, A.L. 1983 H.B. 694 & 171, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1543, A.L. 1995 H.B. 260, et al. merged with S.B. 404, A.L. 1997 H.B. 590, A.L. 2001 S.B. 290)