87.310. When any member terminates his or her employment as afirefighter and withdraws his or her accumulated contributions from theretirement system, he or she ceases to be a member of the retirementsystem. If he or she is reinstated as a firefighter he or she will againbecome a member of the retirement system as a new member with no creditableservice prior to his or her termination. However, any member currentlyemployed as a firefighter may repay the retirement system his or her totalaccumulated contribution withdrawn at the time of his or her terminationand an amount of interest on such contribution at the same rate per annumas allowed in the member's savings account in the same period. Suchrepayment shall occur within two years after August 13, 1984, and when madethe member shall then receive full credit for service prior to the date ofhis or her termination.
(L. 1984 S.B. 617, A.L. 2001 S.B. 290)