87.380. Any fire department existing by authority of thelaws of this state, or any municipal authority thereof, in anycity in this state now having or which may hereafter acquire apopulation of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants, ishereby authorized and empowered to create funds for the purposeof pensioning firemen, and affording relief to members of suchfire department when sick, or who may become disabled in theservice, or retired, and provide for the relief of the familiesand other dependents of such firemen in case of death, under suchrules and regulations as may be enacted by the board of trusteesof such funds, subject to the provisions of sections 87.380 to87.490, and not inconsistent with the constitution and laws ofthis state.
(RSMo 1939 § 9520)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8953; 1919 § 9054; 1909 § 9879