87.385. In cities, the treasurer, the counselor, the clerkor register, and the comptroller, where such office exists, thechief officer of the fire department, four members of the firedepartment and one of the retired or pensioned members, whoseterm of office shall be for one year and who shall be appointedby the mayor on or about the first Monday of December of eachyear, shall constitute and be a board to be known as "The Boardof Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund". The board shallselect from their members a president and secretary. The membersof the fire department, and the retired or pensioned members,shall each hold an election on the first Monday of December ofeach year and respectively select four members of the departmentand one retired or pensioned member for recommendation to themayor for appointment as members of said board, but the mayorshall not be required to appoint the candidates so recommended.
(RSMo 1939 § 9522)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8955; 1919 § 9056; 1909 § 9881