87.395. The treasurer of the board of trustees shall be thecustodian of said pension funds, and shall secure and safely keepthe same, subject to the control and direction of the board, andshall keep his books and accounts concerning said funds in suchmanner as may be prescribed by the board, and said books andaccounts shall always be subject to the inspection of the boardor any member thereof. The treasurer shall execute a bond to thecity, with good and sufficient sureties, in such penal sum as theboard shall direct, to be approved by the board, conditioned forthe faithful performance of the duties of his office, and that hewill safely keep and well and truly account for all moneys andproperty which may come to his hands as such treasurer, and thaton the expiration of his term of office he will surrender anddeliver over to his successor all unexpended moneys, and allsecurities and property which may have come to his hands astreasurer of such funds; and said bond shall be filed in theoffice where the records of the city are kept, and may be sued onin the name of said city, to the use of said board or any personor persons injured by a breach thereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 9536)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8971; 1919 § 9072; 1909 § 9897