87.410. 1. When one hundred voters of any city in thisstate which now has or may hereafter have one hundred thousandinhabitants or more shall petition the proper authorities askingthat an annual tax of one-fifth of a mill on the dollar annuallyon all taxable property in such city shall be levied for thebenefit of the fund for the pensioning of crippled and disabledfiremen, and for the relief of the widows and minor children ofdeceased firemen of the fire department of such city, and shallask that the question of whether such a tax shall be levied besubmitted to the voters of the city, provided no special tax forsuch fund shall then be subject to be levied, the properauthorities shall submit the question to the voters of the city.
2. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be a one-fifth mill tax on the firemen's pensionfund?
3. If the majority of all the votes cast in such city uponsuch proposition for or against a one-fifth mill tax for thefiremen's pension fund shall be for the tax, the tax specified insuch notice shall be levied and collected in like manner with theother general taxes of said city, and the proceeds of said taxshall be known as "the firemen's pension fund"; provided, thatsuch tax shall cease in case the voters of such city shall sodetermine by a majority vote at any election held therein;provided further, however, that when a majority of the voters ofsuch city shall have voted for a one-fifth mill tax for thefiremen's pension fund, the authorities, officials orrepresentatives of the city whose duty it shall be to fix the taxrate for such city shall have the tax for the firemen's pensionfund at the rate specified in consideration in fixing the taxrate, and shall so fix said rate that with and including such taxfor the firemen's pension fund the constitutional limitation uponthe taxing power of such city shall not be exceeded.
(RSMo 1939 § 9500, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8933; 1919 § 9034