87.445. If any member of such fire department shall, whilein the performance of his duty, be killed or die as the result ofan injury received in the line of his duty, or of any diseasecontracted by reason of his occupation as fireman, or shall diefrom any cause whatever while in such service, and shall leave awidow, or child or children under the age of sixteen years,surviving, said board of trustees shall direct the payment fromsaid pension fund monthly to such widow, while unmarried, suchsum of money as may be determined by the rules and regulationsprovided for the management of such funds, and said board shallalso direct the payment out of said pension fund for each childuntil it reaches the age of sixteen years such sum of money asmay be determined by said rules and regulations, and in case theparty suffering such disability is a member of the volunteerdepartment, the amount to be paid monthly to his widow andchildren aforesaid shall be fixed by said board of trustees. Ifthere be no widow, or if such widow die while unmarried, theamount of her said benefits may be added to the said benefits forsuch children. If any member of the fire department shall diefrom any cause while a member of such department, but not whilein the service thereof, if he be married his widow and childrenshall receive from the pension fund the same benefits as arepayable from the pension fund in other cases, and if he beunmarried his dependent father, mother, brothers and sistersshall receive from the pension fund the same benefits as arepayable from said fund in other cases.
(RSMo 1939 § 9531)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8966; 1919 § 9067; 1909 § 9892