87.505. The funds to create the fire department pension fundand relief association in any city or county in this state, asaforesaid, shall be created, realized, and secured from thefollowing sources:
(1) All money at present remaining in the hands or under thecontrol of any unincorporated fire department, benevolent orrelief association in any such city or county;
(2) All initiation fees and dues from the active andhonorary members;
(3) All moneys that may be derived by bequest orappropriation from individuals, companies, corporations ormunicipalities;
(4) All moneys derived from citizens or others for servicesrendered by any such fire department to such citizens or othersfor pumping out cellars, filling cisterns, removing dangerouswalls, buildings or other obstructions that are injurious ordangerous to the inhabitants of any such city or county, and theemoluments from all such other work as may be permitted by anysuch city or county to be performed by the department outside ofits legitimate and proper duties;
(5) All fines and penalties imposed upon members of thedepartment for any dereliction of duty, or violation of any ruleor order or regulation of the department, after any such rule,order or regulation has been properly promulgated and made knownto the members of the department;
(6) All donations received by the chief or any other officerof the department from any citizen or other persons orcorporations for and in the name of the department;
(7) All moneys derived from lectures, entertainments,picnics, etc.;
(8) All moneys derived by any such city or county from thesale of all condemned stock, horses, mules, condemned hose orother fire apparatus of every kind or description;
(9) All rejected or surplus material or article of valuecoming into the department and disposed of and sold by theofficers of any such city or county;
(10) All moneys levied and collected by any court as finesfor the violation of the laws in relation to the construction ofany certain class of buildings of prohibited material within thefire limits of any such city or county as established by law orordinance;
(11) All fines derived from any violation of any buildinglaw or ordinance in any such city or county;
(12) All fines and penalties that may be collected forviolating the municipal laws or ordinances regulating thequantity, quality or storage of petroleum, coal oil, gasoline,turpentine, or any product thereof, all hemp, cotton, powder,giant powder, dynamite or other combustible or inflammablesubstance, liquid or material that is considered extremelydangerous or hazardous;
(13) All moneys derived from licenses or privileges to storeor manufacture coal oil, petroleum, gasoline, turpentine, powder,giant powder, dynamite, hemp, cotton or other combustible orinflammable substance, liquid or material that is consideredextremely dangerous or hazardous;
(14) And all moneys derived from any or all other sourcesthat may by any law or ordinance of this state, or anymunicipality thereof, be set apart for the benefit of any suchfire department pension fund and relief association in any cityor county in this state; provided, however, that no money orproperty owned, belonging to or controlled by any municipalcorporation in this state shall be transferred or the title orpossession thereto disturbed by any provision of sections 87.495to 87.515 until the same is provided for by city ordinance dulyenacted.
(RSMo 1939 § 9548)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8983; 1919 § 10307; 1909 § 3463