87.615. 1. Any firefighter who has retired or who retires and wasnot or is not a member of the retirement system governed by sections 70.600to 70.755, RSMo, and any beneficiary of any such firefighter shall, uponapplication to any city with a population of at least seventy thousandlocated in a county of the first classification without a charter form ofgovernment, be made, constitutionally appointed, and employed by the cityas a special consultant on the problems of retirement and upon request ofthe city council, shall give opinions and be available to give opinions inwriting or orally in response to requests of the city council. Ascompensation for the services required by this section, the city maydirectly compensate the retired firefighter or beneficiary thereof in anamount established by ordinance of the city. Such amount of additionalcompensation may be paid directly by the city to each qualified retiree orbeneficiary and shall not be considered employer contributions to the localgovernment retirement system nor benefits paid therefrom.
2. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, beginning August29, 2001, any beneficiary of a firefighter who had retired or who retiresand was not or is not a member of the retirement system governed bysections 70.600 to 70.755, RSMo, shall upon application to any city with apopulation of at least seventy thousand located in a county of the firstclassification without a charter form of government, be made,constitutionally appointed, and employed by the city as a specialconsultant on the problems of retirement and upon request of the citycouncil, shall give opinions and be available to give opinions in writingor orally in response to request of the city council. As compensation forthe services required by this section, the city may directly compensate thebeneficiary thereof by continuing the death benefit payment upon remarriageof the beneficiary. Such amount of compensation may be paid directly bythe city to each qualifying special consultant and shall not be consideredemployer contributions to the local government employees retirement systemnor benefits paid therefrom.
(L. 1993 S.B. 157 & 29 ยง 3, A.L. 2001 S.B. 290)