88.027. 1. The commissioners so appointed shall give noticeto all parties interested of the time and place when and wherethey will hear all parties interested who may appear before them,which notice need not be directed to any particular defendant orparty interested, but may be general in its form, giving thenumber, title and date of approval of the ordinance initiatingthe proceedings and a description of the benefited district byboundaries as defined in the ordinance. Such notice shall bepublished in some newspaper in said city, selected by thecommissioners, once each week for two consecutive weeks, the lastinsertion to be at least one day before the day set for suchhearing.
2. It shall be the duty of the commissioners to firstdetermine the value of the property to be appropriated, and alldamages caused by said appropriation; then they shall apportionthe total sum to be paid for the property condemned and damagesso determined among the various lots, tracts and parcels of landwithin the benefited district, and the city, according to theactual benefits which they find will accrue to the various lots,tracts and parcels of land within said benefited district and tothe city at large. They shall not be required to assess any sumagainst any lot, tract or parcel of land within the benefiteddistrict which they may find will not be benefited, nor shallthey be required to assess any sum against the city unless theyfind that the city at large will be benefited. Any action takenby a majority of the commissioners shall be deemed the act ofall.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 6389, 6757, 6765, 7489, A. 1949 H.B. 2036)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 6267, 6630, 6638, 7336; 1919 §§ 7770, 8118, 8126, 8750; 1909 § 8684