88.067. No change of venue shall be allowed in any of theproceedings under sections 88.010 to 88.070 to which any cityhaving not less than ten thousand inhabitants and not more thanthirty thousand inhabitants and having a special charter is aparty except where the judge of the court shall be disqualifiedfor any of the reasons stated in the statute of this staterelating to change of venue in civil cases. If the judge of suchcourt is disqualified or is charged by any person interested insuch proceedings with being disqualified for any of the reasonsstated in the statute, it shall be the duty of said judge to callin a judge from some other judicial circuit of this state to sitand hear the proceedings and render his decree and judgment thesame as the regular judge could have done. Said judge so calledshall receive for his services mileage and ten dollars per dayfor each day engaged, to be taxed as cost in the cause.
(RSMo 1939 § 7496, A. 1949 H.B. 2036)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7343; 1919 § 8757