88.073. 1. Cities shall have the right to condemn landsunder the provisions of sections 88.010 to 88.070 and pay for thesame out of any funds available out of the city treasury withoutany assessments for benefits, or to advance the amount of damagesawarded at the time pending the proceedings and thereupon takepossession of the property and to be reimbursed from the benefitsassessed when the same are collected.
2. Whenever the charter of any constitutional charter citymakes provision for the condemnation of property for publicpurposes and assessment of benefits therefor, such city may electto proceed with such condemnation or assessment, or both, in themanner provided in sections 88.010 to 88.070 or to proceed in themanner provided in its charter.
(RSMo 1939 § 7240, A. 1949 H.B. 2036)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7090; 1919 § 8540